So where's your money going?
6k goes into 15 big canvas's an airbrush, paint, and a month for me to paint the artworks of people involved in the tattoos (yes that's you!), and yes, your names tattooed all over my body represent you, individuality and freedom from the physical self in the world we live in whilst at the same time giving myself relentlessly to its every whim.
15k Goal and have you run out of room?
6k was minimum cost set up to make this happen. I still have room for about 1700 names, 15k would allow me to film 2 short films using some of you as the protagonists of your tattoo to tell your story that would be played throughout the exhibtion, I would like to pay emerging videographers artists and musicians for this part of the project.
25k and over Goal
would allow the exhibition to travel in America as well as opening in Los Angeles, this night will be an open exhibtion.
Your names and words will make up my artwork, and the canvas is myself.
I want to be a singular tattoo for my latest art exhibition, and I want it to be your names. This is going to be an art exhibition in LA featuring my body and your names as well as painting and videography - by donating you are helping me pay the costs of putting on an exhibtion not for the tattoos. I think the tattoo on my forehead says it best 'Life is art'. There is something absurd & beautiful about having an accumulation of absolute strangers names draped over my pale goth skin, even if half of them are 'Penis Butt'. Why? you might ask, simply because I can, I know what I'm about son, and I am my own ultimate canvas. Like my art exhibitions and murals this is a social and artistic experiment! Each persons name to me represents YOU the main protagonist in your own story. I will be covered in a hundred tiny stories and an exhibtion will be held featuring you and my body as the canvas.
Giving myself to the whim of the world and for my art.
Follow this project through my social media
Twitter: @illmatherfuka
Instagram: @illmatherfuka
Everyone who pledges I'm going to get your names tattooed whether the campaign is funded or not x

Each name/s tattoo or design will be featured on my Facebook page, to
clarify the name does not have to be yours, in fact it can be any one to
two words you want (even penis)... and yes, I have also considered that
this could mean my whole body is covered in names, at 6ft I am going
from neck to toe in your names.
During the process it will be filmed... as a short, and regular updates
about the exhibition that will be held somewhere in Los Angeles and the
conclusion of each tattoo will be added to my Facebook page,
each person who designs a tattoo will be tagged with their piece on my
hot bod. I chose 6K because talking to the shop I go to regularly, we
estimate about 60 hours of work, plus gallery exhibition costs, As soon
as this campaign is over we will begin!
***this projected will be presented in the form of an exhibition***
All the red areas mark where your names will be!
Thanks slick guys!
Risks and challenges
Only possible risks would be booking set backs and tattoo progress, it might take longer than anticipated but will be fulfilled. Also running out of room on my skin but we have estimated amount of names, depending on popularity we will limit where necessary & make sure every reward is fulfilled. - Also I would love to get the tattoo finished during the exihibtions opening night, fingers crossed!
***this projected will be presented in the form of an exhibition***
All the red areas mark where your names will be!
Thanks slick guys!
Risks and challenges
Only possible risks would be booking set backs and tattoo progress, it might take longer than anticipated but will be fulfilled. Also running out of room on my skin but we have estimated amount of names, depending on popularity we will limit where necessary & make sure every reward is fulfilled. - Also I would love to get the tattoo finished during the exihibtions opening night, fingers crossed!
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