Camisa 10 Propaganda e Marketing
Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 1674 – Lagoa
Rio de Janeiro – RJ 22411-072
domingo, 31 de maio de 2015
St. Petersburg Tattoo Festival 2015
The 13th Tattoo Festival will be held on the 12th, 13th and 14th of June 2015 in Saint-Petersburg.
Saint-Petersburg Tattoo Festival is a three day event devoted to the tattoo art, body modification and body art. During these days tattoo lovers will enjoy and evaluate the creation of true under skin art masterpieces. Participants will have a chance to discover and try in practice the cutting-edge technologies in body decoration and meet the most extraordinary people from all over the world, who have dedicated themselves to the most intimate kind of Fine Art artistic Tattoo. In addition, festival guests will get an opportunity to observe the entire process of tattoo creation, ask questions and consult professionals.
Saint-Petersburg Festival program will be overflowed with diverse shows: extreme piercing show, fire-show, freak-show, striptease show, art installations and performances, every day concerts of rock and hip hop bands. In the exhibition more than 60 tattoo-studios will represent their achievements in tattoo industry. The best of them will fight for the prizes in 20 nominations.
A2 Club
St. Petersburg, Medikov ave, 3
Petrogradskaya metro station
Saint-Petersburg Tattoo Festival is a three day event devoted to the tattoo art, body modification and body art. During these days tattoo lovers will enjoy and evaluate the creation of true under skin art masterpieces. Participants will have a chance to discover and try in practice the cutting-edge technologies in body decoration and meet the most extraordinary people from all over the world, who have dedicated themselves to the most intimate kind of Fine Art artistic Tattoo. In addition, festival guests will get an opportunity to observe the entire process of tattoo creation, ask questions and consult professionals.
Saint-Petersburg Festival program will be overflowed with diverse shows: extreme piercing show, fire-show, freak-show, striptease show, art installations and performances, every day concerts of rock and hip hop bands. In the exhibition more than 60 tattoo-studios will represent their achievements in tattoo industry. The best of them will fight for the prizes in 20 nominations.
A2 Club
St. Petersburg, Medikov ave, 3
Petrogradskaya metro station
Perfil - Chad Chase
Chad has been practicing the fine art of tattooing and piercing since 1996.
Opening his first studio in 1996 - Forever Ink, located in Sanford, Maine was a true learning experience. With some outside help from business and tattoo minds alike the shop was soon a success.
Our latest business; Venom Ink Tattoo started November 2004 in Dover, New Hampshire. After quickly developing a strong clientele the shop moved to it's new location in Sanford, Maine. The shop is thriving, busy...busy...busy! With two great daughters and the perfect woman, staying grounded is not a problem. Venom Ink gains new clientele daily and strives to make each and everyone of them proud to wear our work. Chad specializes in realism, but isn't limited to that by any means. Look at his portfolio and you'll see eveyrthing from bio-organic pieces to portraiture to asian inspired. Anything is possible. No limitations!
Opening his first studio in 1996 - Forever Ink, located in Sanford, Maine was a true learning experience. With some outside help from business and tattoo minds alike the shop was soon a success.
Our latest business; Venom Ink Tattoo started November 2004 in Dover, New Hampshire. After quickly developing a strong clientele the shop moved to it's new location in Sanford, Maine. The shop is thriving, busy...busy...busy! With two great daughters and the perfect woman, staying grounded is not a problem. Venom Ink gains new clientele daily and strives to make each and everyone of them proud to wear our work. Chad specializes in realism, but isn't limited to that by any means. Look at his portfolio and you'll see eveyrthing from bio-organic pieces to portraiture to asian inspired. Anything is possible. No limitations!
Tattoo Topic - Short Apprenticeship
Italy Conventions 12/14 June 2015
International Salento Tattoo Ink
Musica, Spettacoli, Cultura, Sport e Tattoo… Sono questi gli ‘ingredienti’ dell’”International Salento Tattoo Ink”
che si svolgerà a Brindisi dal 12 al 14 giugno 2015. Dopo l’importante
esperienza maturata nell’organizzazione della prima edizione del “Lecce
Tattoo Fest”, svoltasi a Lecce il 7 e l’8 giugno 2014, dove migliaia di
persone hanno partecipato attivamente all’evento proposto, parte
dell’organizzazione ha deciso di realizzare il primo contest
internazionale di tatuatori nella città Adriatica, ovvero in una
location che abbraccia le tre province salentine ( Brindisi, Lecce e
Taranto ).
Il tutto, ampliando l’evento grazie all’inserimento di numerosi e coinvolgenti eventi collaterali che faranno da cornice all’”International Salento Tattoo Ink”.
Tra questi, sono previste attività musicali (concerti live), attività
sportive (fitness, gare di atletica, gara di go-kart, test drive,
ecc..), oltre ad una serie di eventi a carattere prettamente culturale,
tra cui mostre d’arte e presentazione di libri di prestigiosi autori.
Tutto ciò senza nulla togliere a quello che è il vero fulcro e spirito
della manifestazione principale, ovvero l’apporto del mondo dei
tatuatori che, anche in questa occasione – così come avvenuto a Lecce –
vanterà nomi di altissimo profilo nel contesto internazionale del
tatuaggio come Eddy Perminovas, artista lituano famoso a livello
internazionale per i lavori che esegue sulle star di Holywood, Riccardo
Bottino, artista italiano conosciutissimo in termini internazionali e
Roberto Lauro, uno dei giovani più promettenti nel panorama nazionale.
Grande risalto verrà dato agli artisti locali che avranno un area
dedicata per esprimere la propria arte, nome illustre è quello di Andrea
Sergio, in arte Mr. Wany che delizierà il pubblico presente con una
realizzazione di una tela.
Ma il vero evento ”clou” della manifestazione sarà il ‘contest’ e, cioè, una vera e propria gara suddivisa in categorie, a seguito della quale saranno premiati i migliori tatuaggi effettuati durante la tre giorni di manifestazione.
Brindisi – Centro Comm.le Le Colonne
Strada Statale 7, Brindisi, BR 72100
Spezia Expo’
Via del Canaletto 120
19126 La Spezia
Ma il vero evento ”clou” della manifestazione sarà il ‘contest’ e, cioè, una vera e propria gara suddivisa in categorie, a seguito della quale saranno premiati i migliori tatuaggi effettuati durante la tre giorni di manifestazione.
Brindisi – Centro Comm.le Le Colonne
Strada Statale 7, Brindisi, BR 72100
La Spezia Tattoo Show
Thanks to the
great response and success of the 2013 edition and following the great
consensus among the experts, the 5th edition of the Tattoo Show confirms
the location of La Spezia Expo. On 12-13-14 June 2015 that first-class
location will host this event dedicated to the professional tatto
artists and to the tattoo suppliers 150 most famous tattoo artists
working on your skin, tattoo suppliers, technical conferences on the
tattoo world, live music and shows …Spezia Expo’
Via del Canaletto 120
19126 La Spezia
Tattoo Bloopers - SullenTV Uncut | Australia
USA Conventions 12/14 June 2015
18th Annual Tattoo Convention
- 17 Consecutive Years Strong.
- Entertained over 50,000 Guests
- Hosted over 3,000 Vendors
- We were the first to host a tattoo convention in New York City
Guest tickets can be purchased in advanced

125 W 18th St
New York, NY 10011
Unites States
C2-Counter Culture Expo
R.A.W.S (Ravers Against World Starvation)
Show some Peace. Love. Unity. Respect Detroit! .
We have all been or will be down on our luck in one way or another. Sometimes it could be in the form of needing a place to rest for the night, a bite to eat, a ride somewhere or all of the above.Think of the others that don’t and won’t have the luxury of a warm home and a hot meal.
How can we make a difference by partying you ask?
Where better to make a difference!!! It’s simple my friend, at participating party locations we will be collecting canned and NON-perishable food items for our local families in need. With you donating to this cause u will receive 2 free glow bracelets! You can’t go wrong!
Cobo Center
1 Washington Blvd
Detroit, MI 48226
United States
208 Tattoo Fest
208 Tattoo Fest
is a community event celebrating the progression of tattoos, art and
entertainment in Idaho. This juggernaut of an event features live
tattoos with talented tattoo artists from across the nation, live tattoo
contests and seminars, a history of tattoos display with a whole
weekend of art and entertainment.
Though all contests and activities are to
be tasteful we recommend parental discretion on Friday & Saturday
with all family friendly contests & events featured on Sunday.
5610 N Glenwood St,
Boise, ID 83714,
United States
Alamo City TattooExpo
We are pleased to announce the 11th Annual Alamo City Tattoo Show!
Held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, TX on June 12, 13 & 14th, 2015.
The Alamo City Tattoo Show is an invitation only event,
put on BY a Tattooer, FOR Tattooers!
Stay tuned!
We will be updating our site with new information frequently!
Held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, TX on June 12, 13 & 14th, 2015.
The Alamo City Tattoo Show is an invitation only event,
put on BY a Tattooer, FOR Tattooers!
Stay tuned!
We will be updating our site with new information frequently!
600 E Market St.
San Antonio, TX 78205
United States
Ink-N-Iron - Long Beach
People are
here for the love of Hot Rods-Kustoms, Live music, burlesque, art shows,
50’s fashion, and of course the tattoo show covering three floors
inside the ship. 280 of the best tattoo artists in the world will be on
hand from 30 States and 25 Countries representing all the tattoo styles;
where a car show and music become an integral part of the event,
mingling with the artistic expressions of the artists at work. Pinups
clad in corsets, Classic Cats with Pompadours, Mohawks, fashion Mullets,
full sleeves and back pieces. Not only is the breathtaking view of the
gigantic Queen Mary, the beautiful water, and the amazing Long Beach
skyline quite a task to take in all at once, but all the fashion
statements and lavishly adorned people are quite a spectacle as well.
This convention will be both a sort of art gallery and community
festival. Ten years ago the ship was overtaken by the underground
subculture of all things Kustom and modified. From tattooing to pin
striping and tantalizing show goers with tight corsets the 13th Annual Ink-N-Iron Festival is laced up and racing for port!The Queen Mary
1126 Queens Highway
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States
Tattoo & Ink Model - Catrina Dacosta
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Yelawolf at Musink 2015
Valencia Tattoo Convention 2015
El “15 Aniversario de la Convención Internacional de Tatuaje de Valencia” se celebrará el 12-13-14 Junio 2015
Cumplimos 15 años!!!… Los próximos días 12, 13 y 14 de Junio Valencia vuelve a vestirse de color en esta nueva Tattoo Convention.
El término “tatuaje” (tattoo en inglés, pronunciado tatú) tiene un origen polinesio. Más concretamente en la palabra polinesia “ta“que significa golpear o en la expresión “tau-tau” utilizada para hablar del choque entre dos huesos.
Cientos de artistas, venidos desde tres continentes y mas de 15 países, desde Estados Unidos a Polonia, desde Argentina a Irlanda, se darán cita en esta grandiosa fiesta de cumpleaños, donde celebraremos la 15 VALENCIA TATTOO CONVENTION, con numerosos espectáculos que cubrirán vuestras mas fantasiosas expectativas de tinta y color…
La prueba de que el tatuaje ha convivido desde siempre con el hombre se encontró en 1991 en un glaciar situado en la frontera entre Austria e Italia. Allí apareció congelado un cazador neolítico de hacía 5300 años, con la espalda y rodillas tatuadas.
El maravilloso Expo Hotel, que ya conocemos de anteriores ediciones será el marco donde se desarrollara esta Convención. Miles de visitantes esperan disfrutar de tres días inolvidables junto a mas de cien artistas que no dejaran de hacer sonar sus maquinas a partir del viernes día 12…
El tatuaje fue reintroducido en la sociedad occidental por los expedicionarios ingleses dirigidos por el Capitán Cook en el S.XVIII. Esto explica la natural asociación que ha prevalecido hasta nuestros días entre los tatuajes y los marineros. Cook describió en sus libros el proceso antiguo del tatuaje al entrar en contacto con indígenas de las Islas Marquesas y con los maoríes: “Manchan sus cuerpos pinchando la piel con los instrumentos pequeños hechos de hueso”
Ve preparando la excusa, a tu mujer, a tu marido, a tu novio, a tu novia, a tu madre, a tu hermano, a tu hermana, a ese amigo o amiga que quieres tanto que estarías dispuesto a prescindir de él tres fantásticos días, y ven a disfrutar del arte en la piel, ven a disfrutar de increíbles espectáculos, ven a respirar el ambiente, el olor a tinta, deja que el ruido de las maquinas vaya dibujando sueños en tu piel para que siempre permanezcan en ti, ven a celebrar nuestro cumpleaños, ven a la… 15
Recuerda – El 12-13-14 de Junio del 2015 la tinta no cesará de correr en Valencia.
Infórmate de todas las novedades a través de la Página Web de la Convención
Expo Hotel Valencia
Avenida Pío XII, 4,
46009 Valencia,
Cumplimos 15 años!!!… Los próximos días 12, 13 y 14 de Junio Valencia vuelve a vestirse de color en esta nueva Tattoo Convention.
El término “tatuaje” (tattoo en inglés, pronunciado tatú) tiene un origen polinesio. Más concretamente en la palabra polinesia “ta“que significa golpear o en la expresión “tau-tau” utilizada para hablar del choque entre dos huesos.
Cientos de artistas, venidos desde tres continentes y mas de 15 países, desde Estados Unidos a Polonia, desde Argentina a Irlanda, se darán cita en esta grandiosa fiesta de cumpleaños, donde celebraremos la 15 VALENCIA TATTOO CONVENTION, con numerosos espectáculos que cubrirán vuestras mas fantasiosas expectativas de tinta y color…
La prueba de que el tatuaje ha convivido desde siempre con el hombre se encontró en 1991 en un glaciar situado en la frontera entre Austria e Italia. Allí apareció congelado un cazador neolítico de hacía 5300 años, con la espalda y rodillas tatuadas.
El maravilloso Expo Hotel, que ya conocemos de anteriores ediciones será el marco donde se desarrollara esta Convención. Miles de visitantes esperan disfrutar de tres días inolvidables junto a mas de cien artistas que no dejaran de hacer sonar sus maquinas a partir del viernes día 12…
El tatuaje fue reintroducido en la sociedad occidental por los expedicionarios ingleses dirigidos por el Capitán Cook en el S.XVIII. Esto explica la natural asociación que ha prevalecido hasta nuestros días entre los tatuajes y los marineros. Cook describió en sus libros el proceso antiguo del tatuaje al entrar en contacto con indígenas de las Islas Marquesas y con los maoríes: “Manchan sus cuerpos pinchando la piel con los instrumentos pequeños hechos de hueso”
Ve preparando la excusa, a tu mujer, a tu marido, a tu novio, a tu novia, a tu madre, a tu hermano, a tu hermana, a ese amigo o amiga que quieres tanto que estarías dispuesto a prescindir de él tres fantásticos días, y ven a disfrutar del arte en la piel, ven a disfrutar de increíbles espectáculos, ven a respirar el ambiente, el olor a tinta, deja que el ruido de las maquinas vaya dibujando sueños en tu piel para que siempre permanezcan en ti, ven a celebrar nuestro cumpleaños, ven a la… 15
Recuerda – El 12-13-14 de Junio del 2015 la tinta no cesará de correr en Valencia.
Infórmate de todas las novedades a través de la Página Web de la Convención
Expo Hotel Valencia
Avenida Pío XII, 4,
46009 Valencia,
Tatuagens - Tattoos
Post com o objetivo de tirar as dúvidas do leitor em relação as cores; desenhos, local da tattoo e etc...
Post in order to draw the reader's doubts about the colors, designs, local tattoo and etc ...
sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2015
quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2015
UK Conventions 6/7 June 2015
Leeds International Tattoo Exposition
Leeds International Tattoo Exposition
(LITE) will be taking place on the the weekend of the 6th/7th of
June2015 at The New Dock Hall (part of the world famous Royal
Armouries). We have whole host of international/home grown tattoo
artists alongside a huge alternative market, live music, performance,
artists, illustrators, local business and plenty of other entertainment
all nestled within 5 minutes walk of the city centre !! !New Dock Hall – Royal Armouries Museum
Armouries Dr
Leeds LS10 1LT
United Kingdom
Northampton International Tattoo Convention
Tickets are now on Sale and available at:
Suns and Roses Tattoo Studio
108 St James Road
You can purchase tickets by either visiting the studio or purchasing
over the telephone by contacting Nigel or Sue on: 01604 949958.Suns and Roses Tattoo Studio
108 St James Road
Over the telephone we accept payments via debit or credit card and can send tickets to your current address.
Ticket Prices are:
Saturday Pre Booked – £10 per person
Sunday Pre Booked – £10 per person
Weekend Pre Booked – £15 per person
Sunday Pre Booked – £10 per person
Weekend Pre Booked – £15 per person
Saturday on the door – £15 per person
Sunday on the door – £15 per person
Sunday on the door – £15 per person
Franklins Gardens, Weedon Rd,
Northampton NN5 5BG,
United Kingdom
Children under the age of 16 may gain free entry with a paying adult.
France Conventions 6/7 June 2015
Tattoo Motor Show Festival Davezieux
Proche Annonay 07
Davezieux, Ardeche
International Tattoo Convention de Rennes
Stade de la Route de Lorient
111 Rue de Lorient,
35000 Rennes,
Auxerre Tattoo Show
Espace Culturel
Route des Bries,
89380 Appoigny,
terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015
Massilia Tattoo Fest 2015
– 2 festival’s days
– 5 spaces with a tattoo , shopping, show, food and vip halls
– More than 150 tattooists and 100 exponents
– Shows, concerts, street arts demonstration, fashion shows ..and other things!
Dock Des Suds
12 Rue Urbain V,
13002 Marseille,
– 2 festival’s days
– 5 spaces with a tattoo , shopping, show, food and vip halls
– More than 150 tattooists and 100 exponents
– Shows, concerts, street arts demonstration, fashion shows ..and other things!
Dock Des Suds
12 Rue Urbain V,
13002 Marseille,
segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015
Tattoo Convention Heiden 2015
Die 4. Tattoo Convention Heiden findet wieder zu Ehren Herbert Hoffmann – Europas ältester Tattoo-Artist statt.
Öffnungszeiten: Samstag 12 – 22h Sonntag 11 – 19h
Kursaal Heiden
Seeallee 3
9410 Heiden
Öffnungszeiten: Samstag 12 – 22h Sonntag 11 – 19h
Kursaal Heiden
Seeallee 3
9410 Heiden
Tattoo Tea Party Manchester 2015
biggest and best tattoo show. Bringing together over 300 of the best
tattoo artists together under one roof (Event City, Manchester) every
year in the first weekend of March. Brought to you by Tattoo Sanctuary,
H2 Events & Tattoo.TV
Paradise Tattoo Convention 2015
Paradise Tattoo Convention
Costa Rica 2015 is a cultural event based around tattoo culture and
body modification brought to you by Nueva Calavera JLO S.A. and New
Skull Tattoo & Piercing.This event is held annually with the best of
local and international artists.
The convention will be taking place in the heart of the city where we have a thriving tattoo scene and should be no problem for you to work throughout the convention. We are about 1.30 hours from the beach as well, so if you’re looking to venture in our amazing tropical country this could be a good opportunity to do so!
This is the 4 installment of this annual event and as we continue improving and growing we would like for you to be part of it as well. As in previous years we will be having different performances, live bands and contests going on throughout the show, including awards for best of the day, best color tattoo, best of the show, etc.
Centro de Eventos Pedregal
La Asunción,
Costa Rica
The convention will be taking place in the heart of the city where we have a thriving tattoo scene and should be no problem for you to work throughout the convention. We are about 1.30 hours from the beach as well, so if you’re looking to venture in our amazing tropical country this could be a good opportunity to do so!
This is the 4 installment of this annual event and as we continue improving and growing we would like for you to be part of it as well. As in previous years we will be having different performances, live bands and contests going on throughout the show, including awards for best of the day, best color tattoo, best of the show, etc.
Centro de Eventos Pedregal
La Asunción,
Costa Rica
Lisa Daniels the Bloom Project
was recently featured in Tattoo Magazine issue 308 April 2015
documenting her tattoo collection as part of an ongoing Bloom Project
feature from artist Michele Wortman.
Perfil - Resat Gul
While he was working in various jobs, Reşat wasn’t content with what
he was doing. He was looking for ways to express himself as an artist.
While he was working as a book salesman, he would watch people tattoo in
the streets. He was impressed and he decided to delve deeper into the
art. Reşat soon realized that this was a great way to express his
emotions. Because he found his greatest inspiration on the streets he
named his shop ‘’StreetBodyArt’’.
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